Customers must do further research into their council requirements due to state legislation and NSW demolition codes.
There are certain rules that relate to the certificate of sale if you sell your home in the future which requires certain permissions for any prior developments and/or demolitions.
We suggest obtaining a complying developing certificate form from your council which should be completed by your tradesman or yourself before work is commenced.
All jobs are different and the utmost care should be taken to ensure permissions are correct or the demolition backfill could be ordered to be removed and an engineer report on demolition will be required as well as soil testing at the cost of the owner at a later date.
As previously stated this could effect the sale of your property in the future and cause undue costs and stress.
The Complying developing certificate should be filled out and submitted to council who then concent or suggest further approvals. For further info google AS 2601-2001 the demolition of structures.
Complying Development Checklist under the NSW Demolition Code (PDF Format)